Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hibernate : Pre Database Opertaion Event Listeners

Hibernate provides two (logical) ways of interfering with the operations performed on entities. It is either through interceptors and/or its the event handling mechanism. Just as a point, as it initially sounds event handling mechanism of hibernate is not asynchronous, rather it is synchronous and same as interceptors. Interceptors are internally used by the default event listeners. Event Listener is a modern and basic infrastructure of hibernate used by the interceptors too.

The differences are not much and most of the common needs could be full filled by either using any one of them or a combination of both interceptors or event listeners. Its not actually quite clear when one should use which mechansim. I would personally suggest to stick with Event Listeners as they are much more flexible and robust. This is a very broad area of discussion and here we focus our discussion only on some specific types of event listeners ( pre database operations ).

Hibernate provides an event handling framework for various kind of methods on the session interface. Whenever an operation is performed through the session, an event is generated and a corresponding listener is evoked to take some action on the generated event. These events could be events on entity, like on load, pre load, pre insert, post insert etc. (Look at the subclasses of AbstractEvent class to get a complete list of all events). These events could be divided into two basic categories, pre database operations and post database operations.

For me pre database operation events were of major interest because I needed a general mechanism to stamp ,update and insert user and time, on all my persistent objects.

All the events are subclasses of org.hibernate.event.AbstractEvent. The parent of all pre database operation events is the class AbstractPreDatabaseOperation. This has three children PreUpdateEvent, PreInsertEvent and PreDeleteEvent. Here after, we will be focusing our discussion on the usage of PreUpdate and PreInsert Events.

Given : The problem was to add insert and update user and timestamp information to all of my entities.

Approach 1 :


public class MyPreInsertEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               if (entity.getInsertUser() == null) {
               String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
               Date currentTime = new Date();
               // inserts
          return false;

public class MyPreUpdateEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
               Date currentTime = new Date();
               // updates
          return false;


Now when the entity object inside the event is updated in the pre listener, the expectation is that the updated information is persisted in the database too. But this does not happen and for a given entity you would see these fields being null (or unchanged) on the database. So where is the problem ?

The idea of the pre database operation event listeners was probably not to change the entities itself, but to perform some operations around the state of the entitiy, just prior to its insert or update into the database. For e.g. you could get the name of the class of an entity and decide whether the given user could update this entity or not and you could throw an exception on an illegal access. The idea is to save the state of the entity at the time of the commit and not take into account any of the changes made to this entity object after the commit (for e.g. here we set insert and update information of entities in our listeners).

These pre events contain variety of information around the entity. The ones in which we are interested are listed below.

1. The pre events have a object array called 'state'. These are values of all the attributes of a given entity at the time of calling commit.
2. The entity object itself.
3. The entity persister used by the hibernate to perform operations on the given entity.
4. The event source (which is the assosiated session in the current context).

At this stage, the entity object assosiated with the event could be thought of as a detached object. Any changes made to this object will never be reflected on the database. The state that will finally be reflected in the database after the commit is contained in the 'state' object array.

In order to commit any changes to the entity object, you could get hold of the session object and use it to save changes to the database. This could be done as follows :

Approach 2.

public class MyPreUpdateEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
               Date currentTime = new Date();
               // updates
               Transaction txn = event.getSession().beginTransaction();

          return false;


I read this solution in some thread on hibernate forum. This approach may work in many cases but it may fail in equal number of cases (or more). This could also result into recursive calls to this onPreUpdate method and thus resulting into stackoverflow exception. I won't be discussing this issue over here. This would be a working but not a clean and standard solution. Personally I would not recommend this approach until I know all possible side effects the different possible scenarios could cause.

In order to make changes to entities, the right approach would be to make changes to the object array 'state' present in the associated event. The 'state' is an object array containing values of attributes of an entitiy and hence it would be difficult to know and replace the correct value. But fortunately these values are in a particular order and this order does not change.

The entity persister has an entitymodel which contains a lot of information about the entity. For e.g. it contains an array called propertyNames. This array has the propertyNames in the same order as the values of the properties present in the 'state' array in event. Hence our modified code would look like :

Approach 3.

public class MyPreInsertEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               if (entity.getInsertUser() == null) {
                    String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
                    Date currentTime = new Date();
                    String[] propertyNames = event.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel.getPropertyNames();
                    Object[] state = event.getState();

                    // inserts
                    setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertUser", currentUser, entity);
                    setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertTime", currentTime, entity);
          return false;

public class MyPreUpdateEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
               Date currentTime = new Date();
               String[] propertyNames = event.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getPropertyNames();
               Object[] state = event.getState();

               // updates
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "updateUser", currentUser, entity);
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "updateTime", currentTime, entity);
     return false;

A common method in both the classes.

void setValue(Object[] currentState, String[] propertyNames, String propertyToSet, Object value, Object entity) {
     int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(propertyNames, propertyToSet);
     if (index >= 0) {
          currentState[index] = value;
          } else {
               Log.error("Field '" + propertyToSet + "' not found on entity '" + entity.getClass().getName() + "'.");


This solution will work in most of the cases, however there is still one case which is left out and will fail. Here is the trick described below :

Hibernate generates a prepared statement and fills in the parameters from the 'state' array present in the event. Hence any changes made to the this 'state' array are reflected in the sql statement generated by the hibernate and finally on the database. The insert and update events have a different copy of this states array.

The pre insert listener is called before the pre update event (if an insert as well as update happens). This happens when an entity is created, persisted and then modified in the same transaction. This will result into two seperate sql statements, first will be an insert statement and second one will be an update statement, on the same entitiy. With the insert statement as we set only the insertUser and insertTime in our PreInsertEventListener and not updateUser and updateTime. The generated statement will look like

insert into entity (id, .... , insert_user, insert_time, update_user, update_time) values (1, .... 'test', '21.11.2010 16:10:00', null, null)

with the PreUpdateEventListener the update sql generated will be like

update entity set id=1 .... , insert_user=null, insert_time=null, update_user='test', update_time='21.11.2010 16:10:00'

These two sqls will be generated in the same transaction and one after the other. The effect will be that the update sql will override the values in the insert sql and hence insert user and time will always be null in such cases. In order to avoid this, I modified the code as follows :

Approach 4.

public class MyPreInsertEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreInsert(PreInsertEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               if (entity.getInsertUser() == null) {
                    String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
                    Date currentTime = new Date();
                    String[] propertyNames = event.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getPropertyNames();
                    Object[] state = event.getState();
                    // inserts
                    setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertUser", currentUser, entity);
                    setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertTime", currentTime, entity);
          return false;

public class MyPreUpdateEventListener implements PreInsertEventListener {
     public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) {
          Object object = event.getEntity();
          if (object instanceof Auditable) {
               Auditable entity = (Auditable) object;
               String currentUser = UtilityClass.currentUser();
               Date currentTime = new Date();
               String[] propertyNames = event.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getPropertyNames();
               Object[] state = event.getState();
               // inserts
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertUser", entity.getInsertUser(), entity);
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "insertTime", entity.getInsertDateTime(), entity);

               // updates
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "updateUser", currentUser, entity);
               setValue(state, propertyNames, "updateTime", currentTime, entity);
          return false;


The entity object is common and shared between the two events (insert and update). However, each event has its own copy of 'state' array. Here I use this fact in my favour to pass in the insert information between the two event listeners through the entity object itself. Hence in the update event listener I do reset the insert information passed in from the insert event listeners and hence the generated sqls from the two listeners would look like :

insert into entity (id, .... , insert_user, insert_time, update_user, update_time) values (1, .... 'test', '21.11.2010 16:10:00', null, null)

update entity set id=1 .... , insert_user=test, insert_time='21.11.2010 16:10:00', update_user='test', update_time='21.11.2010 16:10:00'

This solution works fine and I have'nt seen yet, any problem or case which could not have been handled. However I would like to conclude by saying not to use Event listeners for any custom auditing. Envers comes bundled up with Hibernate 3.5.6 and beyond. Envers is an excellent framework for auditing and I have been using it successfully.


Val said...

Wonderful article - very helpful. I have a further problem in attempting to update *other* objects, eg, an order (onPreUpdate) reads/updates the related customer. The parent/customer is not being saved. Manual flushing leads to other problems. Very interested in suggestions.

anshuiitk said...

Do you really need to update customer on pre update event for order ?. Best would be to rely on post data base operation events, in such cases.

However if that is a requirement, then the Approach 2 (although not recommended) might work for you. Did you try it ?.

Unknown said...

Nice article.I have issue with the pre-insert & pre-update event in my application.Actually in my application I need to update all the rows of table before inserting or updating any row.I tried adding both the event listener but I am getting following error:

"java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"

Any help is really appreciated

Naveen said...

is there any other way to get the entityMetaModel because the hibernate jar i use doesn't come with getEntityMetaModel

anshuiitk said...

@Cuumins12 : Well if it is saying a timeout, it could be a big transaction. Try breaking it up into smaller chunks. I am not really sure how you are trying to use the Listeners, but I guess it would be a good idea, if you could send some code snippets (a sampel to reproduce) and then we can post the solution here.

anshuiitk said...

@Naveen : Which version of hibernate are you using. Also getEntityMetaModel() method is present in AbstractEntityPersister and hence the subclasses JoinedSubclassEntityPersister, SingleTableEntityPersister and UnionSubclassEntityPersister. Please let me know If you are experiencing somthing different.

neildo said...

You're making this too complicated. Just create an event listener for the SaveOrUpdateEvent. Any changes you make to the object will get saved. An example can be found here:

anshuiitk said...

@Neildo : Was good to read your article, but as said, there are number of scenarios in an application. What you said would work in case of a save or update, but what if you did a persist ? and what if you wanted to differentiate between an update and an insert.

As said in the article there are number way arounds but the best method should be chosen only after carefully analyses of your problem.

Unknown said...

event.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getPropertyNames() doesnt return primary keys, I would like set max(id) using PreInsertEventListener, Can you please help me.

Unknown said...

Hi anshuiitk,

Very good posting, Please give me some idea on how to implement a PreLoadEventListener. I have gone through several blogs so far and i didn't find any posting on PreLoadEventListener. I need to implement a listener comes into action right before firing query for the data i.e preLoad() kind of. So that i can do the filling of the collection with data from another API of my choice. Please help me on this, i have been looking for a solution from a quite a long time.

ViRuS said...

Hello, do you have any idea about this

Unknown said...

How can I obtain the sql statement generated in a PreUpdateEventListener or PostUpdateEventListener?

I need the sql to save it in an audit table.


Unknown said...

How can I obtain the sql statement generated in a PreUpdateEventListener or PostUpdateEventListener?

I need the sql to save it in an audit table.


Unknown said...

Nice article ! I'm doing the same kind of work here but I was wondering how to acces to my http context in the preUpdate listener. I need to stamp some information stored in the httpSession (equivalent to your Utils.currentUser()). Do you have an idea on how I could do that?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Excellent Article

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Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up.
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bal said...

Very interesting subject, and nice article. However I would like to make a remark if I may:

- It is not that you take profit of the object being shared between update and insert events. This is true, but I don't think it is the most general scenario. The big one is that you make changes in the database that should be take into consideration in the object model to reflect the changes in the database. That is why the 3rd solution was wrong. I think you are fitting to a particular case and not explaining the background problem. When you state:

"with the PreUpdateEventListener the update sql generated will be like

update entity set id=1 .... , insert_user=null, insert_time=null, update_user='test', update_time='21.11.2010 16:10:00'" you don't really tell us why, so I had to take time to figure out. The changes in the insert sql sentence doesn't change the java object, so a null is used for the update. I wasn't easy to find out, at first glance I didn't understand why those columns were being persisted despite not having been changed, and tryed to imagine how Hibernate could do things better. Anyway, it was fun for me to realize. Great article.

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